Since this doesn't relate directly to thesis, I thought I'd give the option to read it or skip it. There's a reward, though.
- Being behind on my project because I don't feel like I have a clear enough direction
- Being behind in other classed because I spent the past week hiding from the snow
- When my smoke alarm goes off even though I'm just pre-heating the oven
- Being unable to do laundry or shower in my building due to sewage backup
- The orphans in this list that I can't do anything about because Blogger disagrees with me
- Not being totally satisfied with the materials I've been using for my books, but having been as of yet unable to find a suitable alternative
- Getting bitten by dogs
- Random rashes on my arms
- Having to go to the ER because nobody else is open
- Tetanus shots
- When I can't sleep or dance well because of said Tetanus shot and dog bite
- Having a bruised hand
- This item stricken for TMI
- When my bunny won't stop sneezing
- Maryland drivers in the snow
- Women who glare at me on the street for no good reason
- Bristly people
- Being stuck in my apartment
- Feeling less than excellent because it's winter
- Not knowing how to do things I want to do and not having the resources to try
- When my laundry piles up for weeks and the bunny has sat in it since I haven't put it away and now all of my clothes are covered in fur
- Not being able to take the trash out
- Not being able to sleep at night nor stay awake during the day
- Using medium eggs instead of large eggs for a recipe because that's all we have
- Being suddenly out of milk when I could have sworn we had a half gallon left and I'm trying to have cheerios for breakfast
- Sinks full of dirty dishes
- When my computer randomly shuts down without any warning whatsoever
- Dating
- Having a sweet new haircut without the proper instruments to style it the way I want
- Knowing that there's four feet of snow on the roof of the row home of which I live on the top floor
- Being unable to figure out the grammatical nuances of the previous item
- Wondering if my Graphic Design Thesis is "design-y" enough.
- Having a messy room
- Living paycheck to paycheck
- Knowing that my eyesight is getting dramatically worse though I just got glasses
- Guys who cat-call at me in the street
- Not being as focused as I'd like to be
- When I put my iTunes on shuffle and something particularly embarrassing comes on.
- Getting bills in the mail for things that my insurance was supposed to cover
- Walking to work without sidewalks
- Walking back from work or class with my laptop once it's dark out
- Acne
- Dancing with leads who take up too much of my personal space
- When my phone runs out of batteries
- Awful critiques
- Keeping Journals
- Making spelling/grammatical/formatting errors in my design work
- Having an ugly sketchbook
- Being unable to draw in a way I like at all
- Not Sleeping
PS. Here's a bunny.
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